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Key Stage 3, years 7-9

Key Stage 3 is based at Gammel Kærvej on the third and fourth floors of the central building.  Key Stage 3 follows Cambridge International’s lower secondary programme leading to Checkpoint exams in English, Maths and Science in Stage 9. Common subjects for the three classes are;


English, Danish, and a choice of Spanish or German

Mathematics and Science,

History and Geography,

Art and Design

Digital Literacy


Food and Nutrition ( In Stage 7)

Confirmation classes (Optional in Stage 8. Danish church.)

Special activities and school trips

In Stage 8, students have a one week school trip to somewhere in Europe.

In Stage 9, students go out of school for a week to visit colleges in Aalborg.

Key Stage 3
Developing practical skills in the science laboratories
Developing self awareness
Sport strengthens physical well-being and agility.
Enjoying self expression and creativity through art and literature
Respect for Diversity
Enjoying being part of a community of learners from diverse cultures and backgrounds.
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